Sunday, January 20, 2008

Minor emergency

Monday evening Jan 7: Katie suffered a radial dislocation as Alan picked her up by her arms onto his lap. My worst nightmare: a medical emergency before we’ve made any medical connections. While I tried to calm Katie down by nursing and reading, Alan consulted the internet to look for cures to “nursemaid’s elbow”. I would have been terribly panicked except that I knew it should be possible to pop it back in, but how? Cousin Emma had suffered a similar injury at the same age, and her doctor had fixed it while out on a jog. What a terrible time for the whole Polytechnic internet to be down! Alan finally had to go all the way across campus to the Conroys to use their internet connection. When he returned (seemed like forever), he rotated her hand out and then bent her elbow up – Voila! instantly no more pain, and Katie could use her arm. Score one more for the internet. (And for listening to one's sister...)

1 comment:

John Sporseen said...

Thank heavens for web MD. Jennifer, just so you know, Brett had the same thing happen to him at a baby sitters when he was six years old. Good that Alan had the presence of mind to use WebMD.